Thursday, July 17, 2014

SkeTchInG fOr mE

Sketching  is my obsession i  cannot abnegate  this activity. For me  sketching is something intricate  yet soothing,  ersatz yet  aboriginal, monotonous  yet appealing,  look dull  yet  fascinating .for others  it may be a co curricular  activity but  for me  it is a soul  mate in  both abject  and paramount  eras. It  is my  approach of  expressing my feelings regarding  what I  feel of  nature, of  my day  to day  activities and  of  others.  By practicing  this fine  art my  mind is  developing in  such a  way that  reading  people  face  expressions  is becoming  a part  of my  personality. This  art form  is  my  mode to  control anger,  to express  happiness and  deny.